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Binary Operators

These are all the operations supposorted by Yona's binary operators. Combinations of other data types than listed here will result in a TypeError.

Operator Left operand Right operand Description
& integer integer bitwise and
& set set set intersection
& dict dict dict intersection
| integer integer bitwise or
| set set set union
| dict dict dict union
^ integer integer bitwise xor
^ set set set symetric difference
^ dict dict dict symetric difference
-- set any remove element from a set
-- dict any remove key from a dict
/ integer integer division
/ double double division
== integer integer equality
== double double equality
== byte byte equality
== function function referential equality
== () () equality - alwyays true
== tuple tuple equality
== module module equality
== sequence sequence equality
== dict dict equality
== set set equality
== native native equality
> integer integer greater than
> double double greater than
> byte byte greater than
> function function always false
> () () greater than - alwyays false
> dict dict left is a strict superset of the right
> set set left is a strict superset of the right
>= integer integer greater than or equals
>= double double greater than or equals
>= byte byte greater than or equals
>= function function referential equality
>= () () always true
>= dict dict left is a superset of the right
>= set set left is a superset of the right
!= integer integer non-equality
!= double double non-equality
!= byte byte non-equality
!= function function referential non-equality
!= () () non-equality - alwyays false
!= tuple tuple non-equality
!= module module non-equality
!= sequence sequence non-equality
!= dict dict non-equality
!= set set non-equality
!= native native non-equality
< integer integer lower than
< double double lower than
< byte byte lower than
< function function always false
< () () lower than - alwyays false
< dict dict left is a strict subset of the right
< set set left is a strict subset of the right
<= integer integer lower than or equals
<= double double lower than or equals
<= byte byte lower than or equals
<= function function referential equality
<= () () always true
<= dict dict left is a subset of the right
<= set set left is a subset of the right
in any set left is a member of the right
in any dict left is a member of the right
in any seq left is a member of the right
++ seq seq concatenation
<< integer integer signed left shift
>> integer integer signed right shift
>>> integer integer zero fill right shift
&& boolean boolean logical and
|| boolean boolean logical or
- integer integer arithmetic subtraction
- float float arithmetic subtraction
- dict any TBD: review
% integer integer arithmetic modulo
% float float arithmetic modulo
* integer integer arithmetic multiplication
* float float arithmetic multiplication
** float float first argument raised to the power of the second argument
- integer integer arithmetic subtraction
- float float arithmetic subtraction
- set any remove element from the left
- dict tuple remove element from the left
+ integer integer arithmetic addition
+ float float arithmetic addition
+ set any add element to the left
+ dict tuple add tuple (key, value) to the left
-| any seq add element to the beginning of a sequence
|- seq any add element to the end of a sequence

Unary operators

In addition to the binary operators in the table above, Yona supports negation operator ~ which can be applied either to integer or boolean values and will result in bitwise complement, or boolean negation respectively.

Last update: August 17, 2020
