Pattern Matching
Pattern matching is the most important feature for control flow in Yona. It allows simple, short way of specifying patterns for the built in types, specifically:
Pattern matching, in combination with recursion are the basis of the control flow in Yona.
Scalar values - integer, float, byte, character, boolean, symbol¶
Pattern matching for scalar values is super simple. The pattern looks is the value itself, for example:
case expr of
5 -> do_something
6 -> do_something_else
Pattern matching on tuples:
case expr of
(:ok, value) -> do_something value # value contains the second element of the tuple
(:error, message) -> IO::println message
Pattern matching on records is described in the section about Records.
Underscore pattern¶
The underscore pattern _
will match any value.
Sequence & reverse sequence, multiple head & tails & their combinations in patterns¶
Sequence is a biderctional structure and can be easily pattern matched from either left or right side. Yona allows pattern matching on more than a single element as well:
Matching sequence on the beginning¶
case [1] of
1 -| [] -> 2
[] -> 3
_ -> 9
. Yona allows matching on more than just one element in the beginning:
case [1, 2, 3, 4] of
1 -| 2 -| [] -> 2
1 -| 2 -| tail -> tail
[] -> 3
_ -> 9
[3, 4]
. Matching sequence on the end¶
case [1] of
[] |- 1 -> 2
[] -> 3
_ -> 9
. Obtaining a remainer of a sequnce¶
case [1, 2, 3] of
1 -| [] -> 2
1 -| tail -> tail
[] -> 3
_ -> 9
[2, 3]
. This could also be done from the other end of the sequence, using |-
operator instead (and reversing head/tails sections). Matching a sequence elements¶
case arg of
[] -> 3
[1, second, 3] -> second
_ -> 9
. Matching strings¶
Since strings are sequences of characters, they can be pattern matched on as such. Alternatively string literals may be used as well, or any combination of the two. For example:
case "hello there" of
'h' -| 'e' -| _ |- 'r' |- 'e' -> 0
_ -> 1
. Another example:
case ['a', 'b', 'c'] of
h -| "bc" -> h
_ -> 1
. Dictionary patterns¶
Dictionaries can be matched on both keys and values. Example:
case {"a" = 1, "b" = 2} of
{"b" = 3} -> 3
{"a" = 1, "b" = bb} -> bb
_ -> 9
. "As" patterns¶
Sometimes it can be useful to name a collection (sequence, set or dictionary) or a record in a pattern for later use. For example when matching on a record type, but ignoring all the fields. This can be done using @
syntax in Yona:
let mod = module TestMod exports testfun as
record TestRecord=(argone, argtwo)
testfun = case TestRecord(argone = 1, argtwo = 2) of
2 -> 0
x@TestRecord -> x.argone
_ -> 2
in mod::testfun
. Remember that records exist on a module level only. let
expression patterns¶
expression allows using patterns on the left side of its assignments. In that way it is not necessary to use case
expression explicitly.
* do
expression patterns¶
expression similarly to let
expressions allows defining aliases, and they can be patterns on the left side. Unlike let
expression, do
expression does not require value assignment, but still allows it. For example:
(one, _) = (1, :unused)
IO::println one
two = 2
one + two
after 1
is printed. case
This is THE pattern matching expression. It maches a value against a list of patterns and executes the expression of the matching pattern.
Function & lambda patterns¶
Functions and lambdas may be defined using patterns as explained in the section about functions. The only limitation of the lambda definitions, is that they may only contain one pattern. This is not used much for control flow, but still useful for deconstructing some data structures. If lambda needs to pattern match multiple patterns, either define it as a named function, or use case
Guard expressions¶
Patterns may be enhanced further with guard expressions. Guard expressions are initiated by a |
character followed by an expression that must evaluate into a boolean. Each pattern may have multiple guard expressions, each on a new line.
For example, a function calculating body mass index could be defined like this:
bmiTell bmi
| bmi <= 18.5 = "You're underweight, you emo, you!"
| bmi <= 25.0 = "You're supposedly normal. Pffft, I bet you're ugly!"
| bmi <= 30.0 = "You're fat! Lose some weight, fatty!"
| true = "You're a whale, congratulations!"
Non-linear patterns - ability to use same variable in pattern multiple times¶
Non-linear patterns are those that contain the same name in multiple places, for example:
nonLinearHeadTailsTest head -| _ head -| _ = head
nonLinearHeadTailsTest headOne -| _ headTwo -| _ = headOne + headTwo
nonLinearHeadTailsTest [2, 0] [3, 0]
, because the first element in first and second argument must be the same.