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This module provides functions for reading, writing and otherwise manipulating files.


All file access is non-blocking and asynchronous. Behind the courtains, file operations use AsynchronousFileChannel. Files can be worked in either text or binary mode. Text mode anticipates that file is encoded in UTF-8 encoding, whereas binary file may contain any contents.

Opening a file

File must be opened before used. Function open takes a path and set of file "modes" as arguments and returns a file handle. This handle is actually a tuple with several items, that should not be accessed directly, but instead handled to functions operating on a file, from this module.

Opening file for reading, in a text mode, for example:

fh = File::open "test.txt" {:read}

Available modes (for further details, refer to Java's StandardOpenOption):

Mode Description
:read Open for read access.
:write Open for write access.
:append If the file is opened for :write access then bytes will be written to the end of the file rather than the beginning.
:truncate_existing If the file already exists and it is opened for :write access, then its length is truncated to 0.
:create Create a new file if it does not exist.
:create_new Create a new file, failing if the file already exists.
:delete_on_close Delete on close.
:sparse Sparse file.
:sync Requires that every update to the file's content or metadata be written synchronously to the underlying storage device.
:dsync Requires that every update to the file's content be written synchronously to the underlying storage device.

Opening and closing files with context managers

Context managers are the recommended way of dealing with files. They provide error handling, such that the user does not need to worry about properly closing files in all situations. Using files as context managers is really simple, since it requires nothing more than the open function, that already returns a context manager!

Therefore using files in this way is as simple as writing:

with File::open "File.txt" {:read} as file
    File::read_lines file

There is no need to explicitly close files when using context managers.

Deleting a file

Function to delete an existing file takes a file handle a returns a ().

File::delete fh

Seeking to a position in a file

Seeking to a position takes a file handle, new position (integer) and returns an updated file handle:

new_fh = File::seek fh position

Creating a temporary file

In order to create a temporary file in a system temp folder, pass a prefix (string), suffix (string) and a set of file modes. Function returns a new handle, with a newly created temporary file, opened using the specified file modes. The file will be kept after use, unless :delete_on_close option was specified.

fh = File::make_temp "prefix" "suffix" {:write}

Obtaining a path from a file handle

It can be useful to obtain a path from a file handle, for example when working with temporary files. Path is a string.

path = File::path fh

Listing files in a directory

To list files in a directory, use function list_dir. Note that this function does not recurse over nested subfolders.

files = File::list_dir "./"

Reading file - line mode

File can be read either as a whole, or in lines (provided that it is a text file). Lines may be separated by either \n or \r\n. Function read_line expects a file handle, and returns either :eof if the whole file was already read, or a triple of: * :ok * body - either a byte sequence or a string, depending on a mode file is opened in * new file handle

Counting lines in a file can be implemented for example this way:

count_file_lines file = read_lines fh 0

read_lines fh acc =
    case File::read_line fh of
        (:ok, _, new_fh)  -> read_lines new_fh (acc + 1)
        :eof              -> acc

Function read_all_lines will count the number of lines in a file.

For convenience, module File comes with a function read_lines which takes a file handle and returns a sequence of all lines.


lines = File::read_lines fh

Reading file - all at once

To read the whole file, use function read. This function returns a sequence containing the contents of the file (either as a string, or sequence of bytes, depending on the mode in which the file is opened).

file_contents = File::read file

Writing to file

Writing to file requires a file to be opened in a :write mode. The write functin expects a file handle and a sequence (string or a byte sequence) to be written to the file. The sequence will be written at whatever position the file handle is currently pointing to.

File::write temp_file "hello world"

Last update: July 7, 2020
