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This module provides functions for manipulating Sets. Sets are immutable data structure containing unique elements.


There is function Set::empty to create a new empty set. Sets support special operators for adding elements or operations typical for sets, such as unions or intersections etc.

Folding a set

Folding a set is a process of iterating over its values while producing one result value. An example of a folding function could be a sum function, that iterates over all elements and adds them up, producing a single result.

Functions foldl take 3 arguments: * 2-argument lambda (accumulator, element) returning a new value of an accumulator * initial value of the accumulator * set to fold

This example shows how to sum up a set:

Set::fold (\acc val -> acc + val) 0 {1, 2, 3}

Reducing a set

Reducing a set means applying a transducer onto a set. Transducers are a generic, high-level method for implementing operations over a data structure.

Function reduce takes 2 arguments: * transducer * set to reduce

Example with a filter transducer:

Set::reduce (Transducers::filter \val -> val < 0 (0, \state val -> state + val, \state -> state * 2)) {-2,-1,0,1,2}

This example will produce -6, as it sums up all negative numbers in the set.

Obtaining a length of a set

Function len returns a length of a set:

length = Set::len {1, 2, 3}

Turning a set to a sequence

Function to_seq constructs a sequence containing elemtents of the given set. Elements in this sequence are in no particular order.


Set::to_seq {1, 2, 3}

Will return [1, 2, 3].

Last update: May 16, 2021
